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Fun Ways That The Average Person Can Use Custom QR Codes Every Day

The difference between a QR codes and bar codes

Are custom QR codes on your radar? Wondering exactly how to use QR codes to make your life easier? Start here!

The QR code is a Quick Response Code. It’s similar to an old-fashioned barcode or UPC code. Yet it’s different from a bar code in that it can store an unlimited amount of info within a symbol. A quick scan of a QR code will reveal a wealth of info that is helpful for the end user.

You may have noticed airlines using QR codes on plane tickets and boarding passes these days. Grocery stores, food manufacturers and clothing companies also use custom QR codes — as a way to give people more info without having to print it all on the box or on the tag.

A QR code is better than a barcode or UPC because:

How to use QR codes to add your own or someone else's contact info in your phone
  1. It can be used by people like you and me (rather than just stores and manufacturers) to hold an unlimited amount of data, photos, and videos.
  2. It can be regularly updated to reflect timely and new info.
  3. It is a quick way to share information (contact info, product details, an updated schedule, etc.) with someone else.

A custom QR code is an enhanced barcode that is readable by smartphones that have cameras as well as tablets, computers, and other QR scanners.

Here’s a summary of the many ways that QR codes are used on stickers, with pet ID tags, on luggage tags, and medical IDs.

Clever Ways To Use Custom QR Codes

It’s actually amazing how many unique ways that custom QR codes are being used these days!

Before we get to all the fun uses for QR codes in your own everyday life, let’s look at some great examples.

These are just some of the ways that QR codes are being used by businesses right now:

How to use QR codes - there are so many clever ways to use QR codes these days!

How To Use QR Codes For Your Own Personal Things

Now, my main intention of this post is to share some very simple tips for using QR codes in your everyday life.

Each of the links below shows you how to create your own custom QR code for a very specific purpose.

TIP: While some of the following links describe fun QR-coded stuff that you can buy — if you have your own blog or website (your own little space online), then you don’t necessarily have to buy anything to make the following ideas work for you. Just (1) follow these 4 steps to create custom QR codes using one of the best free online QR code generators. Then, instead of using someone else’s “professional” space online to store and update the information associated with your custom QR codes, (2) store that information at your own personal online space! That said, some companies may actually provide cooler tags, cards, or products than you could create yourself — so at least you’ve got options.

Pet ID Tags

Custom QR codes used on dog tags make your dog safer

Microchipping is the best way to ensure that your dog is returned if they become separated from you. A close second is to have an ID tag on your dog’s collar at all times.

The best way to maintain your personal info on your dog’s ID tag is to use a creative QR code on the dog tag!

There you can keep helpful info for pet sitters or someone who’s found your dog — such as your vet’s number, additional photos of your dog, your dog’s health record, and more.

Luggage Tags

Wondering how to use QR codes on your luggage tags? Start here!

If your luggage tags have a QR code, then any time you move or want to change your personal information you simply have to modify it online.

It’s a quick and easy way to maintain up-to-date luggage tags, office tags, and other ID tags.

Business Cards

QR code business cards are much better than old-fashioned ones

Business cards are going digital these days, and one of the trendiest ways to hop on board is to add a QR code to your business card.

You (and your business card) will stand out as being more modern — and less stuffy — than others. And, as everyone knows, first impressions go a long way!

House For Sale

See how to use QR codes on the real estate signs when selling your house

Unlike the traditional Take-One property flier, a QR code provides buyers with an unlimited amount of information about your house, as well as photos.

Plus, potential buyers can easily return to that information later — in digital form — online via their cellphone.

Job Resume

See how to use QR codes in your job resume to attract attention

This works best if you’re a creative type who is applying for a unique job position within an open-minded company.

If the organization tends to think outside-the-box, then a QR code resume would be ideal. It’s a great way to show your uniqueness!

The Next Step

Now that you know how to use QR codes, are you ready to get started and make some custom QR codes for yourself?…

Here’s an example of the old-fashioned way and the modern way of achieving the same goal:

Posters and classified ads with custom QR codes tend to be more effective because they contain much more info than a typical sheet of paper!

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Fun ways to use QR codes every day