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What will they think of next? Wearable technology trends boast health & wellness features, baby monitoring, habit changers, and other ways to enhance your life. See what the future of IoT looks like.

How to make a free Skype call. Benefits of using Skype to make Internet phone calls from your computer or smartphone - plus other great ways to use Skype daily!

Important Internet of Things security issues - see how to protect yourself & your IoT devices (anything with an on/off switch that can connect to the Internet).

"What are the best times to post on social media?" is the #1 question small business owners ask about online marketing. See the best post time for each social media platform. I've learned a lot about this recently - hopefully my tips will help save you some time.

Even in a text-savvy and tech-savvy world, the need for a phone conference is still important for many businesses. Here are the best 5 free conference call platforms.

Eye tracking technology isn't a new concept -- but it's still relatively new to smartphones. I'm very curious about eye tracking and here's what I found out.

Social media hackers are a sly and cunning breed. Use password managers, two-factor authentication and more tips to keep your social media sites safe.

I've tried these tricks and they really work to speed up your YouTube buffering speed. 6 easy ways to speed up Internet buffering with videos & streaming.

I've been able to speed up my computer using these tips! I'm sharing what worked for me to speed up Windows 10 - so you can fix your slow computer for FREE too