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In Addition To Tracking Online Packages, Here Are 6 FUN Things You Can Track Online That Will Save You Time & Money

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By Regina

People have become obsessed with tracking everything online these days!

All you have to do is log onto UPS trackingFedEx tracking, or USPS tracking to see what I mean.

Do you know the best sites and apps to use for online tracking?

The same is true with tracking your packages on Amazon.

These websites get millions of requests to track packages that people are waiting to receive — or that they themselves have sent.

Here’s one that tracks all delivery companies in one place: PackTrack.

There’s also an online tracking Firefox extension that lets you track your packages in one shortcut: Track Package.

However, delivered packages are only one of the many things that you can track online!

Following are 6 other fun things you can track online. Yep, 6 more ways to follow your favorite things with easy-peasy online tracking systems…


#1 – Track Sale Prices On Clothing: Shop It to Me

Enter all of your favorite clothing brands, along with your sizes, and they will scour some of the leading retail websites looking for good prices on those brands and sizes.

You receive an e-mail daily (or weekly) that tells you where you can find your favorite clothing products on sale.

Personally, I find this very cool. As someone who works from home, I don’t always have time to go shopping.

Having Shop It To Me serve as my “personal shopper” saves me oodles of time and money — and I the online tracking, so I can see exactly when it will arrive.


#2 – Track Your Pizza Delivery: Dominos Pizza Tracker

I definitely had to have this one — it’s way cool! This pizza tracker allows you to track every pizza that you order from Dominos online.

You get a play-by-play of your pizza being made from start to finish, as well as the time the delivery person leaves the building with your pizza.

This way, you can actually see if someone messed up the order and put the wrong ingredients on it — before it even goes in the oven. By using the online tracking… if you see a mistake, you can call them to correct the order before it’s too late and you have the wrong pizza delivered to your door.

Oh, and the Dominos Pizza Tracker also gives the first name of the person who made your pizza, as well as the person who delivered it.


#3 – Track iPhone Apps That Have Become FREE: Free App Alert

This is a very cool application that lets you know when iPhone apps that used to cost anywhere from 99 cents to $20 have become FREE.

So, let’s say you’ve had your eye on a really nice but expensive iPhone app. The Free App Alert will email you if and when that application ever becomes FREE.

If you don’t like to pay for iPhone apps (or even if you don’t mind), this could be a great way to track all of the ones that you’ve been thinking of downloading, but you simply haven’t downloaded yet.


#4 – Track Airplane Flights: FlightAware

This website allows you to track any non-military flight in the US and Canada.

How cool is that?

You can use it for tracking flights that you plan to be on or flights that your friends or family members are on — so you can see if the flight is running late, early, or on time.

You can also use Flight Aware to track products that you’ve purchased. (You just need to know which flight your packages are being shipped on.) This gives you yet another option for tracking online packages, in addition to the websites mentioned above — which can sometimes be slow to update and track your packages.


#5 – Track Your Diet: My Plate

The best thing about this diet tracking program is the fact that it’s also available as an iPhone app. (It’s called Livestrong.) This makes it a cinch to keep track of what you eat — both at home and when you’re out & about!

This is one of the most popular and highly rated diet tracking programs right now. It’s similar to a food journal — but better. My Plate is quite sophisticated in what it tracks and how it works, yet it’s really easy to use for the first time.

In case you haven’t made the connection yet… yes, this is another one of Lance Armstrong’s successful endeavors.


#6 – Track Your Baby’s Schedule: Trixie Tracker

Have you ever wished that you could figure out what your new baby’s sleeping, eating, changing, and other patterns are? Once you know your baby’s unique schedule, then you can set your own schedule around your baby’s daily routine.

This nifty little tracker can be used online or with your iPhone. It allows you track all of your baby’s daily routines, needs, and patterns.

Trixie Tracker will help you save a lot of time by making it possible to work your schedule around your baby’s.

Another benefit: a parent who is working away from home can access the information and stay in touch with what is happening at home!


Even More Things You Can Track Online

In addition to the links I’ve included above, here are some other fun things to track online: