How To E-mail A Text Message… Plus Popular Shortcuts, Abbreviations, Internet Slang & ‘Leet’ Tips

by Lynnette

, shortcuts, text messaging

Did you know that you can E-MAIL a Text Message to someone’s cell phone?

I did not know that. (…she says in her best Johnny Carson voice)

Jim and I tried it today, and it worked!


There’s More Than One Way To Send A Text Message

Yes, you could sit there with your tiny cell phone in hand and click through all of the individual number keys that represent the letters… until you’ve compiled a brief Text Message to send to someone else’s cell phone — all in a matter of… MINUTES.

 But, if you’re near a computer, why not just zip out a short & sweet e-mail message to your pal in a matter of SECONDS instead?

Personally, Text Messaging has always been a pain — in my opinion. Now, I’m only going to use “the old fashioned method” if I’m away from the computer, and I have to get a message to someone right away.

Test it out yourself! All you need to do is send an e-mail to your cell phone at the address indicated below…


Here’s What You Need To Know:

Or, you could just use Teleflip to send text messages to friends’ cell phones from your computer!

UPDATE: Teleflip discontinued this service. A similar one is Txt2Day, but I haven’t tried it myself. Please post in the comments below if it works well or not.


Leave it to Yahoo!…

Yahoo Mobile takes it a step farther, making it possible for you to send a Text Message to ANYone with ANY cell phone service (works great for those cases when you don’t know what service someone subscribes to).

Simply, go to and type in your friend’s phone number and your brief message. UPDATE: This no longer works.

When all else fails, here’s another great resource to help you email a text message to people who use other cellphone providers.


Shortcuts To Keep Your Text Messages Brief

  • Emoticons (…do YOU know how to display “This rocks!” in 3 symbols or less?!
  • Computer Slang (…written for parents to help them understand what their kids are saying, but it works in text messaging too.)
  • Urban Dictionary (…to help you make sense of what “those kids” are talking about!)
  • Acronyms & What They Mean (…see what roflol and imho and other acronyms mean in computer speak.)
  • Teen Chat Decoder (…see what today’s youth are REALLY saying.)
  • Netlingo (…largest list of acronyms and text message shorthand.)
  • Text Message Shorthand (…similar to abbreviations, this shorthand dictionary will keep you in the loop with popular jargon.)
  • Internet Slang Dictionary & Translator (…understand the “leet” language used by kids online.)
    So, there you have it. Now you can talk more without saying a word!