Did you know that you can E-MAIL a Text Message to someone’s cell phone?
I did not know that. (…she says in her best Johnny Carson voice)
Jim and I tried it today, and it worked!
There’s More Than One Way To Send A Text Message
Yes, you could sit there with your tiny cell phone in hand and click through all of the individual number keys that represent the letters… until you’ve compiled a brief Text Message to send to someone else’s cell phone — all in a matter of… MINUTES.
But, if you’re near a computer, why not just zip out a short & sweet e-mail message to your pal in a matter of SECONDS instead?
Personally, Text Messaging has always been a pain — in my opinion. Now, I’m only going to use “the old fashioned method” if I’m away from the computer, and I have to get a message to someone right away.
Test it out yourself! All you need to do is send an e-mail to your cell phone at the address indicated below…
Here’s What You Need To Know:
- Cingular customers: number@cingularme.com (BONUS TIP: If you have a camera phone, you can send a picture to number@mms.mycingular.com.)
- Verizon customers: number@smsc.vzpacifica.net or use this online form
- Sprint customers: use this online form
- Cricket customers: use this online form
- Alltel customers: use this online form
Or, you could just use Teleflip to send text messages to friends’ cell phones from your computer!
UPDATE: Teleflip discontinued this service. A similar one is Txt2Day, but I haven’t tried it myself. Please post in the comments below if it works well or not.
Leave it to Yahoo!…
Yahoo Mobile takes it a step farther, making it possible for you to send a Text Message to ANYone with ANY cell phone service (works great for those cases when you don’t know what service someone subscribes to).
Simply, go to https://mobile.yahoo.com/sms/sendsms and type in your friend’s phone number and your brief message. UPDATE: This no longer works.
When all else fails, here’s another great resource to help you email a text message to people who use other cellphone providers.
Shortcuts To Keep Your Text Messages Brief
- Emoticons (…do YOU know how to display “This rocks!” in 3 symbols or less?!
- Computer Slang (…written for parents to help them understand what their kids are saying, but it works in text messaging too.)
- Urban Dictionary (…to help you make sense of what “those kids” are talking about!)
- Acronyms & What They Mean (…see what roflol and imho and other acronyms mean in computer speak.)
- Teen Chat Decoder (…see what today’s youth are REALLY saying.)
- Netlingo (…largest list of acronyms and text message shorthand.)
- Text Message Shorthand (…similar to abbreviations, this shorthand dictionary will keep you in the loop with popular jargon.)
- Internet Slang Dictionary & Translator (…understand the “leet” language used by kids online.)
So, there you have it. Now you can talk more without saying a word!