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Hubby and I switched got the Galaxy Nexus cell phone. See which apps I consider to be "must-haves" and all the great things (& not-so-great things) we've noticed about this phone.

These are my favorite Android apps that I use on my Droid X and highly recommend for other newbies to Android phones.

Thinking of getting an iPhone or Android phone for the first time? You will appreciate this summary of the similarities & differences between these 2 smartphones.

I've had my Yahoo Email since 1997 - though I've tried many others, Here are the advantages and disadvantages of Yahoo Mail Classic vs. New Yahoo Mail, IMO.

Gmail has been my favorite email program for years. Here's why...

My "first impression" review of Google & Yahoo web based applications + My current "updated" review of Yahoo and Google web apps (Calendar, Notes, Docs, Email, Spreadsheets, etc.)

Here are some of the differences between Google's personalized homepage and Yahoo's personalized homepage. Both offer a way to keep all of your favorite things at your fingertips -- no matter WHAT computer you're on...

Following are three of the most valuable computer tips you may ever use. They'll save you time. They'll prevent future headaches. They'll put you in touch with things you never even knew existed!

In this day and age, there are a number of reasons to have AT LEAST two different e-mail accounts... one primary account that only your closest non-email-chain-letter-kinds-of-friends know about, and one you use for everything and everyone else. Here's what you need to know...