Tech Tips & How To's

"What are the best times to post on social media?" is the #1 question small business owners ask about online marketing. See the best post time for each social media platform. I've learned a lot about this recently - hopefully my tips will help save you some time.

Have you ever accidentally deleted something on your computer? I have and it's a terrible feeling! Stress no more - here are simple ways to undelete!

I've tried these tricks and they really work to speed up your YouTube buffering speed. 6 easy ways to speed up Internet buffering with videos & streaming.

Is computer speed an issue? Here are 5 simple things you can do to make Windows 7 faster (or any version of Windows, really).

laptop plugged in

Should you leave your laptop plugged in all the time -- even when you're not using it? Should you let your notebook computer 'hibernate' with the lid closed while the laptop is plugged in? Is it okay to leave your laptop plugged in while you work for hours at a time? Should you ever unplug the laptop cord from the wall? Answers here...

This amazing shortcut saves you boatloads of keystrokes, especially if you routinely complete the same stuff at the same websites. Today, I was about to clear ALL of my saved data because of just one measly little typo that mistakenly got saved in one of my AutoComplete boxes. Then I found this easy quick-fix!

We are by no means an expert on this topic, but we have definitely learned A LOT in the 8 years that we've been blogging. Here are our top things to consider when starting blog or a new website on your own.

Here's how to watch streaming television on your personal computer. This is definitely the way of the future, but several networks are airing their television programs online already!

I have a feeling that most people (even those who use Yahoo for e-mail) are not aware of the wide variety of free tools and services available for FREE! Simply by using MyYahoo as your homepage, you can incorporate a number of really cool Internet features.