Articles Tagged:

phone service

Canceling cell phone contracts can be difficult, but there ARE some things you can do. Here are the best ways to get out of a cell phone contract.

How to make a free Skype call. Benefits of using Skype to make Internet phone calls from your computer or smartphone - plus other great ways to use Skype daily!

Even in a text-savvy and tech-savvy world, the need for a phone conference is still important for many businesses. Here are the best 5 free conference call platforms.

As long as you have hi-speed Internet, you can use Magic Jack for your phone calls & never have to pay a phone bill again! A review from someone who uses MagicJack.

See why we've decided to stick with AT&T rather than making the switch to Verizon like we'd planned to. Plus, some of the pros and cons of both services. Plus, tips for canceling your Verizon cell phone contract -- without any fees or penalties!