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Believe it or not, ergonomics & computer use from bed is a 'thing'. I've figured out how to create an ergonomic workstation from my bedroom. Yes, you can work from bed!

Overall, the Blog World Expo conference in Las Vegas was entertaining at first, then boring toward the end. Mid-way through the first day of this 2-day conference, Jim and I both realized that the sessions were extremely beginner-level; better for new bloggers.

We are by no means an expert on this topic, but we have definitely learned A LOT in the 8 years that we've been blogging. Here are our top things to consider when starting blog or a new website on your own.

Okay, now that my computer is back to normal... let's get back to the FUN stuff!!! I realize that I have GOT to be the very last person on Earth left to comment on this past weekend's national Blogging conference...

If you want to design your website to have the greatest impact among twenty-somethings, then you might want to consider the following factors, as they reveal some interesting website surfing 'facts' and variables that affect a user's experience.