Articles Tagged:

fun stuff

See if you can hear the Mosquito Ringtone that only 20-somethings are supposed to be able to hear - try it for yourself here! The mosquito sound is only for teens.

What will they think of next? Wearable technology trends boast health & wellness features, baby monitoring, habit changers, and other ways to enhance your life. See what the future of IoT looks like.

How to make a free Skype call. Benefits of using Skype to make Internet phone calls from your computer or smartphone - plus other great ways to use Skype daily!

Ah... what to do with old computers?! I recently turned an old computer into a server, and I turned some old laptops into digital photo frames. My best ideas.

"What are the best times to post on social media?" is the #1 question small business owners ask about online marketing. See the best post time for each social media platform. I've learned a lot about this recently - hopefully my tips will help save you some time.

Eye tracking technology isn't a new concept -- but it's still relatively new to smartphones. I'm very curious about eye tracking and here's what I found out.

I've tried these tricks and they really work to speed up your YouTube buffering speed. 6 easy ways to speed up Internet buffering with videos & streaming.

Here are the top 5 cell phone accessories you should never buy. They may seem cool at first, but here are some reasons to think twice!

Some of the fun tips I've saved & shared on Pinterest! photo by Lynnette at

I've been sharing things on Pinterest for ages. I find it interesting that some guys don't feel comfortable using Pinterest. My Pinterest tips for guys & newbies.