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Download Free Ringtones – Here Are Great Sites You Can Trust To Find A New Ringtone

I’m hip & cool and everything (if I do say so myself), but I admit to being completely clueless when I want to download free ringtones.

Get a new ringtone in seconds

I mean I know HOW to do it (you just upload a file to your mobile phone) But I never really knew how to download ringtones from decent sites that I could trust.

Download Free Ringtones Safely

I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…

Anytime I’ve clicked on a site for “free ringtones” I’m always bombarded with pop-up screens, flashing icons, and loud messages.

Nearby would be a link to “click here to download “free” ringtones”.

Something just seemed cheesy about those sites, and I could never bring myself to go any farther and actually click for the ringtone — despite how badly I wanted to try a new ringtone or notification sounds (or two)!

I was convinced that clicking that link to download ringtones would simply result in more pop-ups, and a whole host of questionable web practices. The likelihood of downloading spyware and viruses increases when visiting certain sites.

I’m just too cautious these days. I’m a conservative clicker, and I don’t take any chances.

That’s why I was thrilled to find these sites that are on the up & up when it comes to providing free ringtones and other apps for your smartphone.

Legit Sites To Download Ringtones For Your Mobile Device

Here are some good sites to download ringtones that come recommended by people I trust.

TIP: Personally, I never enter my credit card for something that’s supposed to be free. If any of these happen to change their policies and require a credit card, I would not download from them.

get a free new ringtone

iPhone and iOS users can’t directly download free ringtones and have them work as ringtones. You can use most of the websites I’ve recommended but you’ll have to download the ringtones to your computer first then transfer the new ringtone files to your phone.

Android users can directly download to their phones and don’t need to transfer the ringtone files.

How To Make A Custom Ringtone

Want to make your own new ringtone?

So there you have it. Now you know how to get yourself a free new ringtone — while keeping your devices secure!